Zuzana Šafránková

Movement of Disease in the Body 

What does “movement of disease within the body” mean?


Let’s have an example. I do not need to go too far for this, it is an example from my own life..As a little girl I had eczema for many years.


This was around 35 years ago so my parents believed, that everything, what doctor says, is absolutely true and the medicines they prescribed are miracles. And so my mum started using corticoid cream on me.. And the eczema went away! I remember saying “this cream is magic” and I wanted to use it all the time! It helped me with the itchiness and so fast working!


Let’s look at what actually happened in my body. The problem of eczema was just suppressed by the medication more inside the body…


A simple way of explaining how disease moves though the body is to view it through the eyes of 5 element theory in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). The 5 element of TCM are Earth, Wood, Fire, Metal and Water. Each element relates to different organs in the body. In this example we can look at metal element and its association with colon, skin, lungs and mind (please see below on the picture)


Many babies nowadays are born with bowel problems due to allergies, sensitivities, their predisposition and also all other reasons that we can talk about another time..


After set of vaccinations, other medication or not correctly chosen solid food, a baby can develop eczema. This is a natural process, if the toxins can‘t be eliminate properly through the bowel, then they have to be eliminated through the skin.


Back to my example: I suppressed eczema with corticoid cream and my problem actually worsened– this disease moved to “lung level” presenting as asthma. As you can see on the picture, if this asthma is again suppressed with medication, it goes more up towards mental and emotional problems. And you know what? To be honest, it did…


It is generally not possible to move through all these levels in one lifetime… But as we go faster and faster…


Babies can be born into higher” level” such as lung level from their predispositions which have been passed down and if they receive suppressive medication, they are more likely to move towards mental and emotional problems…




Another theory of looking into this is Homeopathy and Hering’s Law of Cure, which was introduced by Constantine Hering – homeopath working in the 1800’s. This law talks about healing process and this healing process moves:

  • From the head down to the feet (this means first the mind, then the body)
  • From the inside out
  • From the most important organs to the least important organs
  • In the reverse order of symptoms that they first appeared: This means that during healing, previous diseases that have been suppressed when a worse disease comes, may reappear, this can be seen as a healing crisis. My example would be that I suffered childhood eczema, later developed hay fever and asthma and later hay fever returned followed by eczema as healing progresses…

And so the disease process moves in the opposite direction to the law of cure if supressed:

  • From the outside (skin) to the inside
  • From less important organs to more important organs
  • From the bottom upwards (physical symptoms moving towards mental symptoms – see the pyramid of disease below)

This pyramid is similar to the one from TCM. First are non-serious issues such as colds, flu, eczema to more serious ones in the middle such as MS (multiple sclerosis), ME/CFS (chronic fatigue syndrome), autoimmune diseases and, at the top of the pyramid, mental diseases such as chronic depression, ADHD, anxiety, schizophrenia etc.


As said before there are many causes of disease and some of them we can not prevent as it is a part of our amazing life.

What is the conclusion?

  1. If my eczema comes back and from observing it in all those years, it happens because of: Inside factors – when my body needs to be cleaned from problem, which is more inside the body or from the wrong diet. Outside factors – if I live with somebody who screams at me or other people (trauma from my childhood) and if I live in polluted place with too chlorinated water, like most of cities. And so our health issues are combination of all outside and inside factors = imbalance between our body, mind and soul
  2. This is my personal experience and does not have to fit you and your life! We are all unigue and our paths are original.
  3. These theories are something I believe in but that does not mean it is the only truth. It is something you can chose to believe or not.
  4. The purpose of this article is not to blame parents, doctors or other people. Also I do not say that conventional medications are „bad“ . They definitely have their place in a modern world and they can support us and help if they are used correctly.
  5. Also it is not purpose to say that we or somebody else did something wrong. Apparently we are here to learn and we can only learn through are actions (which we call mistakes).
  6. It does not have to be a serious topic! We can take it all as a game! And keep trying to put together our own kind of a puzzle, which can tell us more about ourselves, about our body… so we can make steps towards our „feeling better“ time and overall balance.

Balance of the body, mind and soul = Good health and wellbeing



Jennifer Harper – Nine ways to body wisdom

School of Health – Course materials unit 5

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