Zuzana Šafránková

Intuitive Dance

I have always loved dancing. As a child, I spent hours on the dance floor at the weddings of my older family members, at children’s discos and later in clubs. When I stopped going out at night, I thought dancing was over.


But about five years ago, in Pune, India, at Osho’s meditation center, I experienced dance and movement in general that was “used” as a form of therapy, meditation, and also a method that very effectively releases accumulated emotions.


Osho (Indian spiritual master) promoted dance in all its forms. Every morning there was a “dance celebration” and many active – movement meditations during the day.


Osho ingeniously designed active meditations techniques in a way that in the first half, through movement, all tension is released and all repressed feelings and emotions come out. This moves our attention from our head more inward to our heart and we could sit or lie down and meditate in silence and experience that wonderful state of “simply being”.

I discovered there that I missed dancing so much, that it is really good for me, both physically and mentally. And also that movement meditations work incredibly and wonderfully!

Later I went to the south of India to Goa and discovered a place called The Source. A short distance from the sea, in the famous Arambol, there were two magnificent huge banyan trees and under them an ecstatic dance was being danced.


This dance is an inner journey connecting you with the divine.. Yes, there are dozens of other people dancing next to you and they can influence you on your way, but it’s all about you. All these forms of dance, whether they are called ecstatic, conscious or intuitive, are about your connection with yourself.


This dance has no rules except these: no talking on the dance floor, you are barefoot, no alcohol or drugs, and usually dance is during the day and ideally in nature.


And then there’s a lot going on! Sometimes I cry, sometimes I laugh, sometimes I get goosebumps, sometimes I experience overwhelming bliss, and sometimes I jump until I fall off…


It’s wonderful to let it all out and it’s wonderful to let the body express itself, without shame or thoughts of how I might look like and what others will think of me. It doesn’t matter.

You are all on the same boat here, and this voyage is only yours and at the same time everyone’s together. This voyage is absolutely spontaneous and almost magical.


The music will guide you, for this type of dance, which usually lasts two hours, the music is mixed to guide you through this therapy/journey. All that is required from you is to let it into your heart and let everything go..

What words would I use to describe intuitive dance?

» natural

» deep

» wild

» sensual

» spontaneous

» liberating

» harmonious

» magical

» pure

» ritual

In the beginning, I wrote that this form of dance is for everyone. And so it is. Usually “on the dance floor” you will meet women and men of all ages. No photos are taken at the dance, so unfortunately I don’t have any such “real” photos, except for the first one.


Intuitive dance has spread a lot in recent years and is organized in many places around the world. I warmly recommend!

Osho about dance…

Dance seems to be one of the most penetrating things, in which one falls into a harmony. Your body, your mind, your soul all fall into a harmony in dancing. Dancing is one of the most spiritual things there is. If you really dance, you cannot think.


If you really dance, the body is used so deeply that you lose a shape and you become a movement, a process, an energy. Then the door opens because you are one unity.


Osho has spoken about dance in many of his discourses, for example:

Dancing, Egolessness, Existence, Life’

More on the subject can be referred to in the following books/discourse titles:

Discourse Series: The Beloved, Vol 1 Chapter #1

Chapter title: Submission is the secret of knowledge

21 June 1976 am in Buddha Hall

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