Zuzana Šafránková

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Healing scents 

Essential oils have been used for thousands of years and are known for many healing effects on our entire being – on our body, mind and soul.


Many of these oils can kill viruses, bacteria, fungi, release negative emotions, help calm our nerves or improve our mood, and generally encourage us.


The most common method of obtaining essential oils is steam distillation. They are extracted from bark, flowers, fruits, leaves, needles, seeds, roots, resin, wood or whole plants.

In my e-book, I wrote about my favorite ones that I use every day. It’s a peppermint essential oil that I use for massage my temples and forehead. I also inhale it for refreshment when it’s hot or when I feel bit sick (for example, when traveling, during menstruation or when I have a headache)

By inhaling essential oils, we can influence the level of stress, we stimulate our senses, our good mood, but also peace and overall well-being.


Lavender essential oil is my second favorite. I rub a drop in my palms and inhale for relaxation, at night before bed and also I massage my stiff neck and shoulders with it.


Essential oils are very strong, so one drop is enough to mix it with a little water, or with another oil that is beneficial for the skin, such as sesame, jojoba or argan.


If we want to enjoy the scent for a longer time, the best way is using a diffuser. Nowadays, there are a large number of high-quality diffusers on the market, which will also fit into everyone’s style and taste and make long winter evenings more pleasant.

The diffuser creates a fine mist from the essential oil and water and it is dispersed into the air. This not only creates a nice smell in the air, but also moisturizes it. From the air, the essential oil reaches the lungs, the blood and then the whole body.


For many years, I used a classic aroma lamp with a candle, but the temperature cannot be controlled, so the precious oil can burn and its quality will be destroyed.


Essential oils can also be used in a relaxing bath. I like to add a tablespoon of coconut oil to moisturize my skin plus a few drops of one of the essential oils, depending on how I feel and what I need.


I would like to introduce you essential oils that are not quite commonly used, but are absolutely essential in this winter time ☺ :

  • Cinnamon and clove essential oil. Who doesn’t love the smell of cinnamon and the taste of cloves? An amazing winter combination not only for baking and in mulled wine, but also in a diffuser, where you can smell it at home all day long, when it’s unpleasant weather outside.
  • Mandarin essential oil. The mandarin somehow belongs to Christmas time and they are currently ripening here in Greece. The smell when you peel a mandarin is so fresh and sweet and sour, and the oil from it is incredibly refreshing and stimulating.
  • Another Christmas scent is the one “from the forest”. Maybe you have a real or artificial tree for Christmas, but if you put a little bit of essential oil from fir, pine or spruce in the diffuser, you will immediately be transported from the pre-Christmas hustle and bustle to a calm and harmonious forest. Of course, if possible, go to the forest during the day for a walk too.. ☺
  • And the last less known tip is sandalwood essential oil. Anyone who has been to India knows this scent well. I brought this beautiful sandalwood mala about four years ago and it still smells great. In the diffuser, this exotic fragrance develops into euphoria and total harmony. It is used for spiritual ceremonies, so you can make your own ceremony with it, even if it means that you just sit in a comfortable sofa, close your eyes, enjoy your favorite tea and let the aroma sway you.

There are many positive effects of aromatherapy, yet something suits everyone a little differently.

A different smell, a different herb, a different oil as well as a different food or a different type of sport.


Put yourself first and observe what works and doesn’t work well for you.

Be kind to yourself.

Create a pleasant environment at home and try to spend this Christmas in harmony.

Don’t push yourself or anyone else. Enjoy the holidays as they should be – holidays of peace and calmness.

wood, heart, boards-2413498.jpg


Valerie Ann Worwood: Aromaterapie & éterické oleje

Gabriel Mojay: Aromateripie pro léčení duše


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